
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Spend pleasant winter with proven domestic tips

Ubqari Magazine - October 2015

Winter is coming and everyone suffers from flu it becomes common. This is called infections disease which transfers from one person to another. That is why it is suggested to cover mouth with handkerchief or hand palm when you sneeze. This very common disease and its germs are the cause of this disease. Difference between flu and Nazla the difference is when a thin fluid comes from your nose and you feel burn in throat it is called flu and when that liquid go inside the throat it is called Nazla it begin from the light rash of throat, cheat burn, sneering and coughing, when this disease becomes severe then you feel uneasiness in nerves and fast heartbeat and thirst.

Remedy: There is no effective and rapid remedy of it in the world of medicine. No medicine works on its germs. The originals remedy is to be careful and rest. According to doctors the basic cause of flu is tiredness and the basic remedy is rest. Try to lay down on bed when its symptoms start appearing. Try to protect yourself from cold, cold water and other cold drinks are the precautions of it. Use lukewarm water. Drink Joshanda or the tea of Banafsha. If there is a lot of rashes in throat then use of Anaab, Bahi Dana, after mixing it in Banafsha syrup will be effective it will end rash of throat. In flu and Nazla, bony Chaany) 💹 with their peeling is good but it’s good to drink water or tea after warming them. Domestic remedy for Nazla

Boil in 2 kg water, one tola fennel seeds 5 to 8 clovs when water remains 250 grams then add misri in it, it will be effective.


For the flow of Naz'zl:

Somtimes nose gets closed by the severe Nazzla and for this if you inhale the smoke of turmetic powder by putting them on burning coals will open the closed nose.

Food recommendation: Don’t eat oily things, milk and sour things. Take soup of goat's meat and black channa. It gives digestive food with water. Flue attacks mostly on children. The effective food for children is the oil of fish which should be given in drops, give 3 drops for two to three times a day regularly it will finish the flue .( Kaleem Ullah shaikh, Paharpoor))


Winter!! Flue and my tested tips

Respected Hazrat Hakeem sahib Asslam o alikum

May Allah keep you under His Mercy and blessings for this good mission of you. Ameen respected I am reading ubqari from 2011. I wait for it desperately every month. First of all I want to pay back the debt of ubqari, as winter is coming and everybody is suffering from flue. I have some proven tips which are very useful. I used them time and again.

Sneezing, throat rash and cough

if there are symptoms of flu then take one and a half cup of water, two or three pieces of ginger and one piece of cinnamon boil them and when water remains one cup then add green tea and remove from stove, after 3 to 4 minutes add honey 2 teaspoons and drink it. Insha’Allah fluid will stop coming from nose. Take this tea for three to four days two times. You will feel the healthy and effective for throat. Insha’Allah there will be no need for any medicine.


Cough that don't let you sleep at night:

Boil in two cups of water one inch piece of ginger and two teaspoons of dray coriander. When water remains 1 cup then adds two cups of milk and sugar according to taste and boil for a while and take lukewarm in morning in empty stomach and at night when going to sleep. Insha’Allah you will be fine.



For sever cough


Add 6 to 7 pieces of black pepper powder in two teaspoons of honey and eat it will be effective and cough will be finished if you take it for some days.


For flue sniffles and Mucus:

boil one cup of milk and let it be cold after 5 minutes put it into a blender ten add sugar to taste and seeds of green cardamom and make it like milk shake and take it warm like tea at night and sleep and take in morning in empty stomach also. Milk is tasty and powerful, mucus will come out nazalla also finishes after the use of it for some days.


For every type of cough and flue


Five spoons of poppy seeds and 6 almonds clean the poppy seeds and blend it properly with the almonds and green cardamom seeds. Then add one glass of water and boil it, add half kg of milk in it when water remains half cup. Boil it for some time. Add sugar according to taste. Take half of it after straining and lukewarm at night and half in morning while empty stomach. You will feel healthy and relaxed after taking this delicious milk.


For abdominal pain, Gas and swelling

Proven and effective tip, dry coriander one cup, fennel seeds one cup, green cardamom 6 and 10 black peppers, clean them, grind and mix them all and add sugar according to taste, take one teaspoon when it is needed, my children keep it with them in hostel, other children eat by taking it from my children and ask for it method after benefited by it. It’s just like magic. I do give this powder to newly born babied when they suffer these problems they become healthy in no time, I mix it in mother's milk or juice of fennel seeds to give it to small babies.


Hair fall, allergy or itching


Daber Amal shampoo made of Arab countries, turmeric oil and olive oil take all in same quantity and mix them all and use half an hour before taking bath. Use it for three days in a week. Insha’Allah hair will not fall and they will become healthy and shiny. Insha’Allah I will send again tips for readers.( mother of Mohammad Umar , D. G Khan)

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